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Fantasy Congress & Politics Resources
Become a fan of learning about States & Congress
"fantasy congress" has been around for a long time, ever since a few college kids spun it up in their dorm room circa 2006. At Fanschool, teachers can create Congress or States games to dive into learning and get students publishing about it.
Politics is all about making decisions in groups. It is a science and an art. We could all become bigger fans of learning about how to utilize our power as citizens and scholars to work together better.
Draft Congress members or U.S. states to learn more about local politics, federalism, elections, and law. See "How to play real-world games" for how it works: You'll just need to subscribe and create a Space (rather than a league) to add Games to.
Ideas for Use:
What are creative ways to draft states or congress members?
Draft Civil War or Civil Rights states to analyze historical legacies in those places.
Discuss and write about current events happening in your states.
Draft states from certain regions to encourage geographic awareness.​
Play low-score wins to analyze states and congress members that might not get as much attention.​
Interact with states to help students learn geography, study capitals, and examine regional economics.​ See more ideas.
Publish current event research, state projects, or class activities.​